Chenyu Li (李晨宇)

I am a third-year undergraduate student at School of Software, Tsinghua University.

My research interests primarily lie in the domains of Deep Learning and Machine Learning, with a specific focus on their applications in Time Series Analysis and Computer Vision. My long-term goal is to leverage deep learning methodologies to address real-world challenges and create impactful solutions.

Currently, I am a research intern at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, advised by Prof. Saining Xie. Previously, I was in the Machine Learning Group at Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Mingsheng Long.

I am looking for a Ph.D. position starting from Fall 2025. Please feel free to reach out if you are interested.

Email  /  CV  /  Google Scholar  /  GitHub

  • 2024-05 Our paper "Timer: Transformers for Time Series at Scale" is accepted by ICML 2024.
  • 2023-09 Our paper "Koopa: Learning Non-stationary Time Series Dynamics with Koopman Predictors" is accepted by NeurIPS 2023.
Publications (* indicates equal contribution)
Selected Projects
  • Apache IoTDB
    Develop IoTDB Artificial Intelligence Node, a native machine learning engine of time series database. Users build, train, manage and use machine learning models in IoTDB databases using SQL statements.
Honors & Awards
  • SenseTime Scholarship (30 undergraduates domestically), 2023
  • Huawei Scholarship (华为奖学金), Tsinghua University, 2023
  • 12•9 Scholarship (一二•九奖学金, top 1%), Tsinghua University, 2022